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If you can tell us anything about these pics, or simply a related story, please contact
our Webman.
Text in italics was sent in by Hal Madson. Dave Jennings supplied text in dark red.

25. Nice artistic shot from a backyard. Do you see two people on the front of the loco? This is a shot from the worker's apartments at Rosemary of the units getting ready to move the stored beet cars in #9. Leaving Rosemary Farms, heading west.

26. Betwixt and between. Conductor Art Codazzi between track 2 and 3 at Betteravia

27. A tanker pickup. This picture is taken on the Sinton/Brown spur at Betteravia. Waiting for the "blue flag" to be taken down at the loading rack before tying up Betteravia Road for awhile for switching
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28. Train of tankers. Is there a person on the front of the lead loco? No doubt just one or two tankers in the train. No, it's not heavy water but LPG from the Battles plant. So many locos because they were moving those beet cars. Same as #9. The tank cars are probably some of the last loads to be pulled out of Battles in 1983... There is no one on the point of the move, what you see is the crossover platforms between engines.

29. That's a Bekins building behind the beet gondolas. Looks like Santa Barbara.

30. Three-man crew.

31. Pulling out from a loading dock. Leaving H. Y. Minami.

32. Same two guys as in picture #25? At Betteravia with 3 units - common practice in the latter days of the sugar company. We never ran 4 units out for beets.