Caboose No. 180
Open House
October 2, 2004

Many people visited the Santa Maria Valley Railroad's Caboose No. 180 throughout the day!

Immediately to the left (gray wall) are storage cupboards and the on-board restroom. At right and above (not shown here) is the upper seating bench in the cupola.

All aboard!

The sign beckons folks from the festival just down McClelland Street. The wall at right is part of the SMVRR depot building.

Looking through the caboose to the west.
Our cabooses's coming out party was in conjunction with the Santa Maria Valley Grapes and Grains Festival held around the Abel Maldenado Community Youth Center on McClelland in downtown Santa Maria. During these festivities, Caboose No. 180 held its first Open House from 10am to 4pm right next to the depot which was just a short stone's throw from the festival.

Inside the caboose people were able to learn about the history of this SMVRR caboose, and see a pictorial history of its restoration by the SMVRHM (picture board on the tripod).

These guys were having a blast!

And this little tyke wasn't sure he liked being up in the cupola.

The sink's mirror reflects a picture of Captain Hancock.

A view down the tracks to the east. The light-colored building on the left in the distance is today's SMVRR enginehouse.
More information about cabooses in general, and about the history and restoration of No. 180: PDF [148kb, October 2004]