Caboose No. 180
Back to the Depot
September 2, 2004

The back-to-back SMVRR GE 70-tonners approach the caboose at the Larabee siding.

Coupled and ready to roll.

An HO version of Caboose No. 180 goes on the trip.

Some of the SMVRHM crew inside the caboose as it rolls down the tracks.

The view of the engine from the caboose platform.
After four years, restoration work on Caboose No. 180 is complete and she's ready to go back to the downtown depot building for a limited display period during Santa Maria's Centennial Celebration. The depot building is located at the corner of McClelland and Jones in downtown Santa Maria, a short block east of where the railroad tracks cross Broadway. [Yahoo map]

The engines pull up to the caboose at the siding.

Just about ready to go.

The engines pull away to run around the caboose.

The view from the caboose cupola en route.

The engine and caboose are side-by-side as the engine pair runs around.