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SMVRHM Caters "Formal" Meal at BCWRR

October 26, 2003

The Museum catered a "formal" meal event at the Bitter Creek Western Railroad (BCWRR) for the California Chapter of the "Auburn, Cord and Dusenberg Club of America".

Karl Hovanitz (far right), BCWRR baron, oversees the feast.

It's hard to visit the Bitter Creek Western Railroad without taking a train ride.

And some automobile motif, too.

The wait-staff of the SMVRHM included (left to right) Ginnie Sterling, Dinner Master Mind and Coordinator, Ellen Couch, and Flossie Sinclair. Ed Couch (not pictured) served, too.

A formal table setting in a railroad motif.

David (left) and Phil handle the BBQ.

It's not every day that there's a Dusenberg in the BCWRR parking area.

Many thanks to Ed Couch for the pictures!

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